Sunday, 30 August 2015

The bigger picture....Space.

I am not a scientist, I didn't even pass my science GCSE but I know space scares me. It's too big for me to understand.

I wake up, I go to work, I dream of owning my own home, I pay my bills, I watch Netflix all day, I spend time with my family and friends, I go to sleep.... repeat.

My question is why? Why are we here? What are Humans here for? We are a life form on a planet the perfect distance from the sun. It makes it hard to try and understand something when you can never have answers.

I moan about being late to meet my friends, I learn all the words to songs but does it really even matter? When you think about it we are all going to die and then it really wont matter. In hundreds of thousands of years evolution will have happened and the world and space as we know it will have dramatically changed. Humans might not exist.

It is just so confusing.

I worry about being killed by a car. I think about my carbon footprint. I care about recycling. I don't understand what will happen if the atmosphere does get damaged by our CO2 emissions. Is it even likely to happen?

What about the black hole? We won't even see that coming until boom it's to late!!! can we stop it? Can we fly away? And by we I don't mean me and everybody living on this world I mean we as humans. After reading how a black hole can ruin not just countries, planets but solar systems I am just mind boggled.

The bigger picture is......not big it's SO HUGE I CANT FIND THE RIGHT WORD TO DESCRIBE IT!

All images are from Google

What are your thoughts?

Becky xx

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