Thursday, 21 May 2015

Samuel Part 1

My relationship - The beginning.

Ok so I have been in a relationship since June 2010 With a person called Sam who is 26 in 12 days. 
I thought I would write about how we started our relationship.

This is Sam!

I met Sam in 2009 when he was crushing hard on my at the time best friend Jemma. By the end of 2009 their little flirtatious unrequited love finished and turned their friendship sour. Sam was like a gay friend I honestly had no romantic feelings for him until December 2009 when he lost weight dressed a bit chavvy and actually made an effort with himself. I never looked at Sam the same way.

This is the Jemma and Sam phase. 

Out of nowhere we started flirting and doing all those other stupid things when you have a crush on somebody. During this part of my life I had feelings for other people who shall not be named because they are not important enough. It was on the evening of 27th of June 2010 that we actually agreed we both had feelings for each other, through MSN (we are both clearly so romantic). We never asked if we were boyfriend and girlfriend we just said so we're together now, bare in mind it was roughly 2am (technically we got together on the 28th but we don't count it) I had race for life the next day so I needed a good sleep.  

I was with my parents and Jemma at the Hobs Meadow pub in Solihull after race for life and I didn't say a word to them. I remember texting Sam trying to find out if we were together or if it was a joke, This was my first serious relationship as an adult, I had no idea what I was meant to do suddenly I am somebody's girlfriend. 

We didn't see each other for a week which I think was a good thing because I didn't have a clue what I was doing lmao. It was the Saturday after we got together and I had to meet his Mum, OMG (I will do a whole blog on this at a later date) thankfully Sam hadn't told her we were a couple even though she did take our first "relationship photo" 

Me and Sam at Jacy's house.

Safe to say after this awkward afternoon I needed a few drinks to calm my nerves. Luckily Jemma was having a house party at her uncles house for her cousins birthday..... I got nice a drunk and that should have made me less awkward around sam and our friends, I hope.

To be continued.......

 Me and Sam May 2015.

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