Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Cool Down Time

I have such a busy life trying to seeing everybody and explore Birmingham. It is so important to have some "cool down time" at least one day a week I have a day where I sit at home and write blogs, cook, read books, catch up on all my Youtube and TV shows.

Writing this blog is a new thing I have only been doing it for a few weeks, I write blogs about a week in advance. It feels so weird and yet amazing at the same time. I use my blog like a diary writing to myself but as it is on the Internet I hope people read it. I want to help people and if writing blogs help anybody that would be great.

I watch a lot of T.V. (including NOW TV and Netflix) The main shows I watch are, Eastenders, The Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, Once upon a time and Breaking Bad. In my cool down time I catch up on all of these shows and because I watch Eastenders with my Mum I have to wait until she has time also. I watch Breaking Bad with Sam so until we spend the day together we don't watch it. We watch roughly 2 a week.

Youtube has been in my life for roughly 6 years, I do have videos on my youtube channel but they are not very good, just some home videos. Over the last 6 months I have been able to escape into Youtube and have a look into what other people are doing. I like watching:


Comedy Shorts Games 


Marcus Butler



Thatcher Joe

Caspar Lee

Jim Chapman

Tanya Burr

Naomi Smart

Sprinkle of Glitter and 

The Sacconejolys

I watch their main videos and a lot of their daily vlogs, it is amazing to see how a hobby turned into a career and now they are amazingly successful.

Recently I have fell in love with cooking again, I have learnt how to cook Pork yuk sung, paprika chicken stroganoff, cornflake chicken and carrot and bean tagine. SO food from all over the world, I buy cooking magazines to take the recipes out (I know sad right). Last week I applied for a second job working in a school kitchen just to pursue this hobby a little bit further, who knows it may even become a career (I will blog about this journey on

                               All images above this point are from google!!!

My bedroom is my go to place. I really enjoy spending time in there either reading, doodling or just having a sing along to some music (follow me on Spotify Rebecca Anne Smith). I don't know why but this is the first bedroom I have been able to relax in. I spend a few minutes a day having a little clean up and a mooch through some of my photos or memory boxes. 

What do you do to relax?

Becky xx 

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