Sunday, 9 August 2015

Under cover Becky

Becoming a Diner lady.

We all know I love my job, I talk about it enough haha. Working in a bowling alley is hard work as it is very busy and fast paced. It is very stressful at times but very fun and rewarding. I am a believer of you get what you put in and I put in a lot.

Prior to being ill in November 2014 I was working hard to earn a promotion to become a Unit Supervisor, I was working crazy hours and never really having anytime to myself. When I became ill I had too much time on my hands and began thinking about my future..... More money!!!

Most people dream of becoming something amazing in their career, they want to make something of their life. My dream is to own a nice home, have a happy little family and be financially stable. Working on minum wage alone isn't going to get me this dream. So maybe it's time to look at a new career?

I thought about how long it would take to get fit and healthy, then how long it would take to get up to full time hours at Tenpin and then how long it would take to get a promotion. I wouldn't know the answer of this until I actually started working back at tenpin. Meanwhile Jacy was talking to me about working in kitchens.

Ok so this planted a seed in my head, I love cooking, I love working with children and I want more money, this job could protentially offer me what I want. So I needed more information before I could be like CYA later Tenpin. Me and Jacy had a long chat about the pros and cons.

In May 2015 I had my return to work meeting with Marc at Tenpin, I was so glad to be going back finally and seeing everyone. I was finally getting back on track. In the same week Jacy gave me a reference code for a 10 hour job in a school kitchen in Aston. I messaged Marc the same day explaining what I was going to do, just incase something did come of the application form I had emailed to me.

I filled out the application and sent it back off, I did the same for four different kitchens across Birmingham. I was working 2 shifts a week at Tenpin and I was struggling, I was so tired and drained after each shift. It was taking me longer than I thought to get back to myself.

It was Now July 2015, I was still only working 2 shifts at Tenpin but I started taking on some extra work, taking a small team to 3 schools advertising at there summer fetes, doing my pin chaser technician pin, arranging a sports day for the staff and other bits and pieces. I also had 4 interviews for the school kitchen jobs I applied for.

Unfortunately 2/4 I didn't get and I honestly didn't think I would get anywhere with this but 2 of the schools wanted me. I took the first one that got in contact with me it was for 12 and a half hours, I was so happy, the week after getting the phone call informing me I had been accepted for the job I had to go and sign all of my forms ready to start the job in the September. I had put my Tenpin Manager Marc down as a reference so I am assuming he knew about the job though we haven't spoke about it.

I plan on working both jobs as the school kitchen jobs is only 12 and a half hours and then still do 2 maybe 3 shifts at Tenpin until September I wont now how I am going to cope. I might not even like being a dinner lady but at the same time I might love it. Until I actually start I don't know what my future holds...... how exciting.

Becky xx

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